
Group: DynoMotion Message: 15053 From: ARIEF SUSANTO Date: 10/1/2017
Subject: Retrofit old NC Shoda with fanuc servo

I'd like to replace the old nc controller on 3 axis NC SHODA woodworking machine with Dynomotion.
The old servo driver is Fanuc A06B-6090-H004, and it seem still in a good condition.
I hope still can use these old servo driver and motor since to replace this parts is very costly.
Please,some body here give some advice and information  if dynomotion compatible with this servo driver or I need to change the servo driver and motor too. 

Thank you,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 15055 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/1/2017
Subject: Re: Retrofit old NC Shoda with fanuc servo
Hi AS,

Have you done any research to find the interface requirements?  Can you locate a technical manual?  Do they accept +/-10V Analog?  Are there incremental encoder outputs?


On 10/1/2017 4:26 PM, ARIEF SUSANTO sst.arief@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

I'd like to replace the old nc controller on 3 axis NC SHODA woodworking machine with Dynomotion.
The old servo driver is Fanuc A06B-6090-H004, and it seem still in a good condition.
I hope still can use these old servo driver and motor since to replace this parts is very costly.
Please,some body here give some advice and information  if dynomotion compatible with this servo driver or I need to change the servo driver and motor too. 

Thank you,